Let’s Get Started! How To Prepare Your Yard For Spring
We may be enjoying moderate temperatures now, but before we know it, our Spring Hill yards will awaken from its dormant season and require all sorts of love and attention. The best time to prepare for this is RIGHT NOW! Here are a few things you can do in advance to ensure your lawn is happy and healthy come springtime.
Grass Preparation
If you’ve got a pretty thick blanket of leaves on your lawn, you’ll need to get to work with a rake. Don’t rake too vigorously, though. Doing so can disrupt the root system of your grass. Instead, run your mower over remaining leaves to turn them into nutrient-providing mulch. Now is also the time to apply a pre-emergent weed control to prevent summer weeds from seeding.
Flower Beds
Now is a great time to spread one or two inches of mulch around your flower beds, shrubs, bushes, and trees. Not only will the new mulch bring some vibrancy to your landscaping, but it will help prevent weeds from seeding and help maintain the moisture of the soil. For extra aesthetic interest, consider planting some bulbs (such as lilies or agapanthus) before you mulch. The blooms that emerge will make your yard the envy of every neighbor.
Cold Recovery
By now, we’re usually out of the woods when it comes to freezes. Once that’s been confirmed by your local meteorologist, you can start treating any plants that have been harmed by cold weather. Run your sprinklers to help warm the soil, prune away any dead or damaged leaves, and fertilize conservatively to help speed the recovery process.
An efficient irrigation system is essential in maintaining your Hernando County lawn. If your lawn doesn’t seem to recover from the cold, it could be the result of a damaged pump or cracked pipes. Challenger Irrigation has years of experience helping Spring Hill residents have beautiful, lush lawns. Contact us today and let us help you have the lawn you’ve always wanted.