Don’t Bug Out! Some Insects Are Beneficial To Your Property

Insects and bugs usually bring a strong reaction out of people. Either you love them, tolerate them, or hate them. Many people’s first instinct is to kill any bug they see; however, people shouldn’t be so quick to splat or squash every insect they encounter. There are a number of insects that are helpful to our gardens, lawns, and landscaping.

Keeping Unwanted Insects Away This Summer

Summer is an exciting time, full of outdoor adventures, BBQ’s, and experiences that will create lasting memories for years to come. While summer is a time that many spend outdoors with family and friends, there are certain guests that we can assume are not invited to the party—insects. While insects play an important role in the ecosystem, we aren’t quite ready to take out an extra chair and invite them to join in the festivities. We want to share ways that you can prepare your outdoor living area to keep any unwanted pests out.