Tips For Installing New Sod – Challenger Irrigation
Would you love to improve the appearance of your grass and are debating whether to install sod? Sod can be a beautiful way to enhance the curb appeal of your property. If you are unfamiliar, sod is the top surface of the ground that has a thin layer of soil and grass that is already well established. When sod is placed on your property, it is important to follow specific directions to ensure the grass on the sod continues to grow roots that will attach to the existing soil. Sod can be an expensive investment, so we feel it is important to do everything you can to ensure success.
Plant in the Fall or Spring
We advise not planting sod during the summer because of the intense heat. Be sure to wait until the fall, when the weather has cooled down slightly but the grass is still growing and hasn’t gone dormant yet, or the spring, once you are sure there will be no more frost.
Prepare Soil
You want to ensure your soil is ready for the sod to be placed. First, remove any old grass and weeds. If you are interested, you can test your soil to see if any additional nutrients are needed to make sure it is healthy. Clear out any rocks, pebbles, sticks, or anything else that can impact the way the sod lays once it is placed. You want to make sure there is a smooth surface. You will want to till, rake, and grade the soil for the best chance of success. The final step before the sod is placed is to water the soil.
Irrigation Tips
The days following the installation of your sod are the most important. You will want to water the sod daily for approximately the first month. Then you can drop down to watering every other day for the next month. After the first two months, you can transition to a regular watering schedule.
If you are interested in adding an irrigation system along with your sod, we are happy to help. At Challenger Irrigation, we serve Hernando, Pasco, Pinellas, and Citrus Counties. We can help you determine if an irrigation system would be beneficial to your property and guide you in the right direction. We look forward to hearing from you soon!