To Compost Or Not To Compost…That Is The Question

The nip in the Florida air might have you dreaming of spring weather and beautiful flower and vegetable gardens. Unfortunately, if you are one of the many Florida residents dealing with sandy soil, you have never let your dreams become reality. Today is the day that can all change with the addition of nutrient-rich soil created through composting, the natural process of using the air to decompose, or break down, organic material into soil.

Tips For A Healthy Lawn

Having a green lawn does not only come with aesthetic benefits. Many people don’t know that a lawn can help cool down your home, that it releases a significant amount of oxygen, and that it captures dirt and dust, thus helping to keep your family healthy. Plus, when you have a gorgeous lawn, you can use it for various activities, like hosting BBQ’s in your yard. While we all strive to have a healthy and beautiful lawn, a lot of us have trouble actually creating one. Fortunately, we have gathered some useful tips to help you have an easier time taking care of your lawn and make it the envy of the neighborhood.

Experience Fall Foliage in Your Garden

Do you see pictures of the fall foliage of the Northeast and dream of experiencing that in Florida? While we Floridians don’t get the chance to see changing leaves that magically fall to the ground, we can experience the beautiful fall colors in our gardens. And while our friends in the Northeast have to clean out and winterize their gardens and flowerbeds, we get to experience year-round blooms. Here are some tips to help with fall gardening and bringing those beautiful rich colors of fall to life in your yard.

Does Landscaping Improve The Value Of Your Home?

Thinking about putting your home up for sale soon and wondering what you can do to boost the value? What’s outside your home is just as important as what’s in it. The National Association of Realtors found that 74% of Realtors suggest sellers complete a landscape maintenance program before putting their home on the market and 17% of those surveyed said recent landscape improvements have led to a sale.